Feedback .001

Juley Le

August 30, 2017

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Anything that starts with classic stripes and home goods is something I’m into!
— Jesse
Can’t wait for the launch!
— Julien
Coucou! Je m’appelle Diamond, j’suis américaine mais j’ai grandit avec la langue française et les séjours d’été en France. Je crois que ce site sera génial! En tant que francophile, j’espère pouvoir contribuer au site et j’ai hâte de le lire!

Hi there! I’m American, but grew up with the French language and summers in France. I think the idea behind this website is wonderful. As a francophone and francophile, I look forward to reading this site and supporting.

— Diamond
I’m so curious what this is! I love the concept and branding so far!

— Whitney
The concept behind Très Américain resonated with me as a francophile with Southern American roots.
— Olivia
This upcoming project has piqued my interest (and) I live in the Paris, France!
— Nita



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Juley Le


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