A Case for Womankind

Juley Le

August 24, 2018

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Game theory holds when players prioritize individual gain over the team’s success, everyone loses. This principle resonates far beyond economics, influencing real-world situations like marriages, sports, and even womankind. It begs the question: why do some women vote against other women, gravitate toward married men, or engage in “Mean Girl” behavior? These actions, driven by self-interest or insecurity, ultimately harm other women and hinder collective progress.

While substantial progress has been made, womankind as a whole still faces an uphill battle. We must recognize that internal struggles and negative interactions between women can hold us back. Reflecting on personal experiences, I acknowledge my own past failures to consider the “team.” In my twenties, insecurity manifested as a “mean girl” persona, leading to toxic cycles of self-blame, emotional abuse, and neutrality in the face of conflict. These negative interactions leave lasting scars, influencing future relationships and hindering growth.

How can we achieve true equality if we don’t address these internal battles? If any being truly understands the challenges women face – beauty standards, aging anxieties, fertility pressures, motherhood burdens, the gender pay gap, domestic abuse – it’s other women. Imagine the power if we all went to bat for each other, learned to forgive for the collective good, and applied game theory to our advantage.

Together, we could silence catcalling, support survivors of rape and harassment, advocate for policies that uplift future generations, and even elect a female President. We could salvage friendships, prevent

mental health issues, and ultimately move the needle towards genuine equality. However, demanding change from external systems without acknowledging how our own actions play against the team is futile.

A recent Instagram poll revealed surprising insights:

  • 76% of respondents don’t generally trust other women.
  • 61% believe women protect each other.
  • 74% admitted to being both the mean girl and the victim.

While these findings suggest a prevailing distrust, they also reveal a glimmer of hope. Despite negative experiences, perspectives on friendships and womanhood become more positive with age. Notably, even those who engaged in or experienced “mean girl” behavior expressed a desire for

This data underscores the shared desire for unity. We must move beyond the outdated narratives of female rivalry and embrace strategic collaboration. Instead of perpetuating harmful stereotypes like “women are catty” or “too emotional,” we must navigate conflict with the team in mind.

I propose a new approach: fierce protectiveness for all women. This doesn’t imply forced friendships or superficial positivity. It means actively promoting peace and understanding within womankind, setting aside personal differences for the greater good. It means refusing to participate in actions that harm other women or undermine our collective progress.

By embracing this team spirit, we can rewrite the rules of the game, ensuring that womankind not only survives but thrives. This is not just a possibility; it’s our collective responsibility.

Juley Le


  1. Amy says:

    I love this Juley! Well written and wise words. A great start to the conversation.

  2. Erin says:

    Beautifully written! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Phoebeleith says:

    I’ve become increasingly interested and invested in this subject. This sentiment is strong and inspiring to me. A place I’ve found to rejoice with other older women is at Sixty & Me. Check it out. I start most of my days now with Margaret Manning’s good morning videos. It’s a fabulous sisterhood and tremendous comfort and validation.

  4. Sapa says:

    Amazing article. Love everything about it!

    • Juley says:

      Thank you Sapa! I hope this helps us all shape our future interactions and builds some level of trust xo

      P.S. You’re my idol.

  5. COOLKID says:

    Are You Good for Womankind? is this a question for man or woman ???

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